Karelia Villa Mar
Senior Specialist, State Modernization; Cluster Lead, Citizen Security and Justice, Interamerican Development Bank (IDB)Karelia Villa is a Senior Specialist in Citizen Security at the Inter-American Development Bank. She is the Bank’s leading expert for work on Citizen Security in Mexico, Central America and the Dominican Republic and has more than 15 years of experience supporting state development initiatives in Latin America and the Caribbean. Karelia is also the Citizen Security Coordinator that connects IDB with the region’s governments. She has a master’s in Public Policy from George Washington University and a bachelor’s in Economics from the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores in Monterrey, Mexico.
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- Iván Rebolledo
- Jorge Castañeda
- Jorge Enrique Taiana
- José Manuel Vassallo
- Karelia Villa Mar
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