Liliana Mesías García
Doctor in Government and Public Policy; Co-author of the IDB/Inter-American Dialogue Report (2018): "Police Transformation in Latin America for 2030".Liliana Mesías García is an advisor on juvenile justice at the Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar for the implementation of the evaluation system and recidivism risk management with youth. Ms. Mesías holds a doctoral degree in Government and Public Administration from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid in Spain. She holds a master’s degree in Political Studies and International Relations from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and an Advanced Studies Degree in Intelligence from l’Europa, Universidad Marné la Vallée in France in compact with the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. She was a social worker in that university. Ms. Mesías participated in the GOBERNA América Latina and Miami Dade College program on Senior Public Management on Citizen Security. She is a researcher and teacher and an expert on public safety and justice with a special emphasis on violence prevention, policing, reintegration of former combatants and children who escaped the armed conflict. Ms. Mesías has worked as an instructor at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and with the National Police and as an advisor with the Defensoría del Pueblo, Planeación Nacional, Eurosocial, Fundación Ideas para la Paz and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC). Her work as an advisor has included the creation of policies to prevent crimes among youth, criminal and prison policies and policies for violence against women. She also assisted in the design of the evaluation on information and technology systems for public safety and participated in discussions on the Police Code and the Law on Safety and Citizen Coexistence.
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- Karelia Villa Mar
- Kevin Casas-Zamora
- Krishnan Sharma
- Laura Abreu Malla
- Laura Chinchilla
- Leonel Fernández
- Liliana Mesías García
- María Eugenia Mosquera A.
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