Paola González
Political Scientist, Co-author of the IDB/Inter-American Dialogue Report (2018): "Police Transformation in Latin America for 2030".Paola González has a political science degree from the Universidad Javeriana, specialization in armed conflict resolution from the Univerisdad de los Andes and master’s degree in International Political Economy from the University of Texas at Dallas. Ms. González has experience working with institutions, vulnerable communities and the evaluation of public policies and projects related to disarmament, demobilization and reintegration. She has served as an advisor on issues related to human rights, DDR, citizen security and recruitment prevention as well as the use of children and young people. Ms. González has coordinated projects with the Fundación Ideas para la Paz and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and worked on the OAS Mission to Support the Peace Process in Colombia. She also coordinated the Political Group on the Sub-Division of Monitoring and Evaluation of the Colombian Agency for Reintegration. Ms. González is currently a consultant at IOM on community violence prevention strategy for the National Division of Police Officers and Rural Safety (DICAR, for its initials in Spanish). She is a specialist on Monitoring and Evaluation for the Fundación Ideas para La Paz on the business and reconciliation lab project with funds from USAID.
- Alejandra Sota
- Daniel Titelman
- Daniel Zovatto
- Danilo Turk
- Felipe Calderón
- Francisco Sánchez
- Gerardo de Icaza
- Gonzalo Paz
- Humberto De La Calle
- Ingo Pitterle
- Iván Rebolledo
- Jorge Castañeda
- Jorge Enrique Taiana
- José Manuel Vassallo
- Karelia Villa Mar
- Kevin Casas-Zamora
- Krishnan Sharma
- Laura Abreu Malla
- Laura Chinchilla
- Leonel Fernández
- Liliana Mesías García
- María Eugenia Mosquera A.
- Maria Haberfeld
- María Victoria Murillo
- Mario Báez
- Martin Chrisney
- Massimo Tommasoli
- Natasha Despotovic
- Otaviano Canuto
- Paola González
- Paolo Giordano
- Raul Féliz
- Rob Wood
- Roberto Obando Prestol
- Vinicio Cerezo