María Herminia Brandao Tavares de Almeida
Senior Researcher at the Brazilian Center for Research and Planning (CEBRAP)Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science of the FFLCH-USP and in the Institute of International Relations, working in the Postgraduate Programs in International Relations and Political Sciences of the USP. She has a degree in Social Sciences from the University of Sao Paulo (1969), and postdoctoral studies from the University of California, Berkeley (1984). She is a political scientist, has experience in the areas of public policies and political institutions, specializing mainly in the following topics: public politics, federalism and public opinion, and foreign politics. She is currently a member of the Advisory Council of the Brazil Institute and of the Latino-American Program of the Woodrow Wilson Center for Academics (Washington), of the Council of Eminent Persons of the Chief Economist of the World Bank, and of the Academic Commission of the European Union. Member of the European Union-Latin America and the Caribbean Foundation (Fundacion EU-LAC).
- Alicia Bárcena
- Daniel Titelman
- Daniel Zovatto
- Denise Dresser
- Diane Quarless
- Erick Parrado
- Ernesto Samper Pizano
- Gerver Torres
- Gustau Alegret
- Gustavo Garcia
- Jessica Byron
- Jorge Roldós
- José Antonio Ocampo
- Kevin Casas-Zamora
- Laura Chinchilla
- Leonel Fernández
- Luis Almagro
- Luis Manuel Piantini
- Manuel Orozco
- Marcela Berland
- Marcos Pinta Gama
- Margarita Seminario
- María Herminia Brandao Tavares de Almeida
- María Noel Vaeza
- María Victoria Murillo
- Mariangela Parra-Lancourt
- Mario Báez
- Mark Feierstein
- Patricio Navia
- Raul Féliz
- Ricardo Lagos
- Sergio Abreu
- Sergio Bitar
- Wang Hua