Margarita Seminario
Deputy Director, Americas Program, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)An expert on issues related to democracy and governance, with more than 20 years´ experience in these areas. She is dedicated to the promotion of strong and resilient institutions, as well as encouraging the participation and citizen involvement. She has worked in the cooperation and international development sector – International Foundation for Electoral System, IREX, Chemonics International, and the Center for International Development of the state university of New York.
Her specific research interests include international development, governance and Rule of Law, transparency and accountability, and the political participation of frequently marginalized groups such as women, youth and indigenous peoples.
- Alicia Bárcena
- Daniel Titelman
- Daniel Zovatto
- Denise Dresser
- Diane Quarless
- Erick Parrado
- Ernesto Samper Pizano
- Gerver Torres
- Gustau Alegret
- Gustavo Garcia
- Jessica Byron
- Jorge Roldós
- José Antonio Ocampo
- Kevin Casas-Zamora
- Laura Chinchilla
- Leonel Fernández
- Luis Almagro
- Luis Manuel Piantini
- Manuel Orozco
- Marcela Berland
- Marcos Pinta Gama
- Margarita Seminario
- María Herminia Brandao Tavares de Almeida
- María Noel Vaeza
- María Victoria Murillo
- Mariangela Parra-Lancourt
- Mario Báez
- Mark Feierstein
- Patricio Navia
- Raul Féliz
- Ricardo Lagos
- Sergio Abreu
- Sergio Bitar
- Wang Hua