Patricio Navia
Professor at the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, New York UniversityDr. Navia is a Political Science Professor at the Diego Portales University in Chile. He holds a Ph.D. in Politics from New York University, a Masters in Political Science from the University of Chicago and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science and Sociology from the University of Illinois, Chicago. He has been a Visiting Professor at Princeton University, the New School University, the University of Salamanca and the University of Chile, among others. He has published multiple scientific articles and books on democratization, public opinion, electoral laws and democratic institutions in Latin America. Dr. Navia is a columnist for several media regional media outlets, such as Libero, La Tercera, and the magazines Capital and Poder in Chile, as well as the Buenos Aires Herald and Perfil in Argentina, and the American Quarterly.
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- Daniel Titelman
- Daniel Zovatto
- Denise Dresser
- Diane Quarless
- Erick Parrado
- Ernesto Samper Pizano
- Gerver Torres
- Gustau Alegret
- Gustavo Garcia
- Jessica Byron
- Jorge Roldós
- José Antonio Ocampo
- Kevin Casas-Zamora
- Laura Chinchilla
- Leonel Fernández
- Luis Almagro
- Luis Manuel Piantini
- Manuel Orozco
- Marcela Berland
- Marcos Pinta Gama
- Margarita Seminario
- María Herminia Brandao Tavares de Almeida
- María Noel Vaeza
- María Victoria Murillo
- Mariangela Parra-Lancourt
- Mario Báez
- Mark Feierstein
- Patricio Navia
- Raul Féliz
- Ricardo Lagos
- Sergio Abreu
- Sergio Bitar
- Wang Hua