Sergio Bitar
IDEA International Advisory Board memberSergio Bitar currently serves as President of the Foundation for Democracy, as President of Chile´s Council for Foresight and Strategy, as a non-resident senior member of the Inter-American Dialogue and Director of the Future Trends and Future of Latin America. Since 2015 Bitar has been a member of the International IDEA Board of Advisors and the Board´s Vice President since 2019. Previous posts in Chile include Minister of Public Works (2008-10); President of the Pro-Democracy Party (PPD, 1992-94, 1997-2000, 2006-2008); Minister of Education (2003-2005); Senator (1994-2002); and Minister of Mines (1973).
- Alicia Bárcena
- Daniel Titelman
- Daniel Zovatto
- Denise Dresser
- Diane Quarless
- Erick Parrado
- Ernesto Samper Pizano
- Gerver Torres
- Gustau Alegret
- Gustavo Garcia
- Jessica Byron
- Jorge Roldós
- José Antonio Ocampo
- Kevin Casas-Zamora
- Laura Chinchilla
- Leonel Fernández
- Luis Almagro
- Luis Manuel Piantini
- Manuel Orozco
- Marcela Berland
- Marcos Pinta Gama
- Margarita Seminario
- María Herminia Brandao Tavares de Almeida
- María Noel Vaeza
- María Victoria Murillo
- Mariangela Parra-Lancourt
- Mario Báez
- Mark Feierstein
- Patricio Navia
- Raul Féliz
- Ricardo Lagos
- Sergio Abreu
- Sergio Bitar
- Wang Hua