Maria Hermínia Tavares de Almeida
Senior Researcher, Centro Brasileiro de Análise e Planejamento (CEBRAP)P.H.D. in Political Science, is senior researcher at Centro Brasileiro de Análise e Planejamento (CEBRAP), retired Professor of Political Science and former dean of the Institute of International Relations at the University of São Paulo (2009-2013). Recently published with Gian Luca Gardini, Foreign policy responses to the rise of Brazil – balancing power in emerging states, Palgrave-McMillan, 2016, and Os Anos de Ouro _Ensaios sobre a democracia no Brasil (The Gilded Years – Essays on Democracy in Brazil) Ed. Horizonte, Lisboa,2019. Former president of the Latin American Studies Association- LASA (2010-2012), member of the World Bank Chief Economist´s Council of Eminent Persons (2016-2018). Holds the National Order of Scientific Merit (2006) and received the Academic Excellence Award in Political Science granted by the Social Sciences Graduate Programs Association-ANPOCS, Brazil (2013). Presently member of the D. Paulo Evaristo Arns Commission for Protection of Human Rights – Arns Commission.
- Alejandro Poiré
- Andreas Schleicher
- Andrés Delich
- Andrés Ucros Maldonado
- Andy Dauhajre
- Aurelio Nuño Mayer
- Carlos Fernando Chamorro Barrios
- Carlos Vilalta
- Christopher (Chris) Dede
- Claudia S. de Windt
- Dani Rodrik
- Daniel Bramatti
- Daniel Titelman
- Daniel Zovatto
- Elisabeth Ungar Bleier
- Gonzalo Paz
- Gustau Alegret
- Hugo Acero Velásquez
- Isabel Aninat
- Jael Rivas
- Jamil Ahmad
- Jorge Heine
- José Antonio Ocampo
- Kevin Casas-Zamora
- Laura Chinchilla
- Leonel Fernández
- Liz Duraisingh
- Lourdes Casanova
- Mangai Natarajan
- Manuel Orozco
- Marcela Meléndez
- Marcelo Bergman
- Maria Hermínia Tavares de Almeida
- María Noel Vaeza
- María Waleska Álvarez
- Mario Báez
- Mario Cimoli
- Massimo Tommasoli
- Mercedes Mateo Díaz
- Mónica Pachón
- Natasha Despotovic
- Raul Féliz
- Robert McCrie
- Robert Wood
- Susan Sclafani
- Tamara Taraciuk
- Tiscar Lara